Well, it's been rather a while since I've written anything - life has been busy. The most exciting of the busy things has been spending some time with my friend Peta. We have been friends since year 7, 18 years by my count! We first met up in New York City, where Peta was staying. We did lots of touristy things, and I was inducted into the wonders of shopping for shoes - something I have always avoided because it tends to be rather frustrating.
The trip home was quite an adventure. A freak (?) March snowstorm hit most of New York state, and my bus ended up getting back home at 1am instead of 9.30pm. Annoying, but at least we were safe.
Peta came and visited me at home last weekend before she headed back home herself. That was fun too - having guests is always exciting, and despite doing a lot of things, I feel quite relaxed.
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