Monday, June 16, 2008

2008: Week 24

June is a busy month for me this year. With our trip east for Elysa and Patrick's wedding, and an upcoming trip to the south, I only have 9 days at work in the whole month. I had hoped they would be 9 productive days, but it's not really working out that way.

On the good side, I finally received the reviewers comments for a paper I submitted in April, and the manuscript has been accepted subject to some changes. I'm reasonably confident that I can make most of the changes, and argue articulately why we don't need to do the rest, so hopefully I will be able to cross it off my to do list in the near future. On the less good side, my cold continued to linger, and I ended up going to see my Dr who was very sympathetic and prescribed some medication which seems to be helping. After 5 days, I still have a blocked ear, but I have enough energy to do more than lie on the couch watching daytime TV. Of course it's hard to get lab work done while moping at home in your pyjamas, but at least the things I'm working on right now can be put in the fridge and finished later.

Best of the week
- Finding time and motivation for some gardening - hanging flower baskets for the front and side patios, basil, tarragon, sage, and strawberries for my kitchen garden, and flower pots for the upstairs patio.
- Studying for my French exam (tomorrow!), and feeling pretty confident that it will go well.
- Having my sister in the same country :)

Worst of the week
- Still sick. The cold turned into sinusitis - hopefully the antibiotics will work fast.
- Missing half the work week because I was sick (or is that a good thing?). Cancelling our planned camping weekend because I was sick.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thinking about you on Monday... how did you find the french exam? As for your cold, I have nothing but sympathy to give you - I have a Muttley-style cough that is hanging on after three weeks now...

12:50 pm  

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