2008: Week 32

I'm also spending quite some time thinking about how to maintain my online life while we are in Europe. Dragging the computer around is a real pain, although I have to confess that the prospect of several months without my baby causes me quite some angst. Internet cafes are fine, but require a chunk of time to be worthwhile. I'm considering an iPod touch as a compromise - they have wifi capability, and enough applications for most of what I need. Any opinions out there? Of course I may just be looking for an excuse to buy a new toy....
Best of the week
- A warm clear evening on Friday for our farewell to Calgary party.
- Matt's birthday.
- Lots of cooking to clear out the pantry.
Worst of the week
- Our drawn out packing - the price of organisation is weeks of empty shelves and boxes.
- Being ruthless with my kitchen gear. I'd love to keep it all, but it's just not practical :(
get an iphone and be done with it :) I still love mine and with the bigger sizes available it could be enough...
I'm happy to put in a plug for the ASUS EeePC. I love my little baby, it's very hardy, built in wifi, speakers and webcam. I don't know how the Windows one goes but the linux one is funky and fnu! (sic)
Enjoy your traipsing about. Happy birthday, Matt!
Oh how I'd love that iPhone...sadly I don't love a 3 year contract, minimum $75/month, and $3/Mb for roaming (and that's just the US - Europe could be awful!). Then there's the crappy service from the one network here that actually has them...
But next time I'm sure I'll be somewhere long enough to sign up for 3 years, I'm in.
(last I checked so it could be wrong now) in Australia you can get them on pre-paid at something resembling an ok kind of rate...saves on the contract thing :)
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