Monday, September 13, 2004

Life, interrupted

I've been thinking for a while now about what to write in this post. Words don't come easily.

Most of you who read this blog will know that my Europe trip was cut short by the horrific news that my husband Paul had been killed in an accident on July 27th in Sydney. So I spent almost 4 weeks back home saying goodbye, dealing with practicalities, and spending time with friends and family.

It is an agonising path to walk. There is hope in God's promises, that Paul is with Him, secure forever. But there is also the grief. For the good things in this life that I had hoped for him. For the friendship I had hoped we would share in the years ahead. In knowing that so many of the memories of times we shared now exist only in my own mind. And in knowing that our marriage is truly ended.

To all those who have cared for me over the last month and a half - my sincere thanks. And to those who have known and loved Paul - may you know the peace and comfort of God as you learn to live with the sorrow we all bear.



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