Thursday, November 23, 2006

Calgary update

Time for an update on life in Calgary. Life in our little house is good - I'm getting used to all the testosterone (3 men plus their friends), and I think they're getting used to having a girl in the house. Actually, they might be having more influence on me than the reverse - tonight I have the place to myself and I'm sitting watching the hockey in HD! Calgary are 2-1 against Chicago as I type.

The weather has been all over the place, over 10C during the weekend, but down below -10C today. The predicted high for Friday is a chilly -13C! Yesterday I bought myself a new tuque and mittens, so I'm ready for anything.

The coffee scene is pretty dismal compared to Ithaca. Tim Hortons provide staple fresh coffee, but it's nothing compared to a good latte from Gimme! A little easier on the wallet though. On Saturday I visited Bumpy's for a real coffee - textured milk, none of that awful Starbucksesque foam, and a rosetta. Bliss, but unfortunately too far away to make a daily ritual.

Work is work, but unlike Ithaca I'm working pretty normal hours. It's quite a treat to be home by 6pm each night! The University HR department is pretty "relaxed", so I still don't have an ID card for after hours access to the building. I'm not in any hurry, although an email address might come in handy.

That's about all the news for now. Less than four weeks before Matt and I hit the heat shock of our Christmas holiday. Can't wait!

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